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Water Dialogue

Each year, the G20 countries present their best practices in sustainable and resilient water management at a forum called the G20 Water Dialogue. This exercise began as an outcome of the Saudi Arabia G20 Presidency, which stressed, through expert research, water's importance to life and development.

Through these Water Dialogues, best practices submitted by G20 countries are uncovered and shared and collaborations are formed and strengthened. The Dialogue on Water and all its outcomes are voluntary and non-binding in nature, and within the mandate of the G20.

The first G20 Water Dialogue was held in 2020 in the Kingdom Saudi Arabia. Reflecting the global health emergency at the time, the dialogue theme was "Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) to Combat Water-related Diseases and Pandemics, such as COVID-19." 

Resilient, sustainable development – encompassing human and animal health, biodiversity and healthy ecosystems, agriculture, industry, energy, livelihoods, poverty reduction, gender and social equality – depends on the availability of water in adequate quantity and quality in a sustainable and inclusive manner. Safe and reliable water and reducing the risk and impact of water-related disasters are critical for social wellbeing and economic stability across the world.

The G20's ongoing Water Dialogues recognize these concepts and aim to move the needle on sustainable and resilient water management practices around the globe in a collaborative manner.